14 February 2014

My New Airbrush!

Sometimes (especially last year!) I found my painting progress to be 'biblically' slow. To help combat this I picked up the GW airbrush and although it has its problems (e.g. reliance on canned propellant) I enjoyed experimenting airbrushing and so planned to pick up a more versatile solution. Cue my awesomely sneaky girlfriend! Having noticed that I was looking at them on my ipad I was lucky enough to be greeted by this bad-boy at Christmas!

It is a great piece of kit! I have used it sparingly thus far as most of the models which I have completed since Christmas had already been base coated/painted to a basic standard. However I am now beginning to experiment more and more and will attempt to paint some of my future projects with with the airbrush. It is a fantastic kit and I would recommend trying it out to anyone! I will most likely post updates on how I fare with the airbrush: I'm intrigued to use my blog to show my development with this piece of kit. I have high hopes... I just hope I can master the art and use it to produce some very sexy models!