18 April 2014

Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Another week, another unit to complete. This week it's the turn of my Drop Pod. I am rather fortunate to have the opportunity to complete this model as it was very nearly smashed into a thousands pieces by a dozy school kid at Warhammer World (you should have seen the look on his face when he realised he had knocked my unit onto the floor while putting his coat on! bless him).

Anyway, in preparation for painting my new Imperial Knight, I wanted to practice masking areas off and then using the airbrush to paint hazard lines and I figured that painting them on the edge of each door would be perfect to test this out. The photos below show the first attempt and I am very happy with how it turned out. There were a couple of instances of seepage when I used this technique on the other doors but it was nothing too serious and didn't ruin the aesthetic I was trying to achieve.

And here is the finished unit. In total it took me a good 2 weeks to complete this model; mainly due to its size! I'm really happy with the end result, and I think the hazard lines really set the model off. Here is the unit, with doors open and with Lysander to provide a reference for the drop pod scale.