14 May 2015

New Man Cave!!

After moving in to a wonderful new home with my other half, I have been able to set up a pretty sweet area of manly hobbying within our home office/study/man cave (delete as appropriate!). Here are a few pics of not only an awesome desk also a display case!

One of the best things about where I now live is that we have LOADS of space. As such this is the first time since I moved out of my parents 18 years ago that I have the room to sort out a board and actually play some games (40k, X-Wing etc.). I have a plan for this and will post info when things start to happen.
I'm really happy with my choice of desk. Ikea FTW! loads of room (the cutting mat is A3!).

I was surprised at how cheap a display cabinet was from Ikea. I don't think I have many miniatures but have already filled half of the case and even with some re-arranging I don't think it will be long before its full up. I reckon I'll be adding at least 1 more at some point in the future as my collection grows.