11 July 2016

X-Wing Pew Pew!

Something a little different today; a post about X-Wing.

In an effort to engage in table top gaming with friends, I have been experimenting with X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games. It's a great game! Very accessible, cheap to get into (£25-£30 for the starter set), quick to learn and fun to play. the models are also of an excellent quality; but I assume this isn't news to a reader of a hobbying blog.

In the photo's below I was playing against as the Rebel Alliance and got absolutely trounced in the couple of games played! No matter the results, I thoroughly enjoyed the game system and have picked up the Force Awakens version of the starter & a 'starfield' gaming mat set since these photos were taken. I will probably focus on building a Rebel Alliance list and *may* experiment with repainting some of the models... although that activity certainly isn't high on my list as the models look pretty awesome as they are!

Gaming with beer and Doritos. #winning?