10 July 2017

Battlefield Furniture Terrain

A quick win this week: I knocked out a set of resin battlefield furniture!

Aside from the pillow on the bunk bed, these pieces were all painted in the same colour as to not distract whilst on the board.

Initially, these pieces were primed with Vallejo Black Primer. They were then base coated with Mechanicus Standard Grey; after which I airbrushed various lighter shades by adding increasing amounts of White Scar to the Mechanicus Standard Grey.

I then used a sponge to apply a 50/50 mix of Chaos Black and Dryad Bark lightly around the harder edges of the models. The models were then sealed with a couple of coats of Gloss Varnish.

Burnt Umber and Black oil paint was thinned with white spirit and used as washes. After the wash had been given some time to try, white spirit was used to manipulate the wash and clear any residue from the flat panels.

The models were then coated with matte varnish to reduce the impact of the gloss varnish and to protect the paint.

As these are relatively incidental pieces of terrain I didn't want to spent too much time on them and thus chose not to paint any details. Next up is the walkway section of the Shadow War Armageddon scenery.