9 January 2018

2018: Hobby Goals & Targets!

2018 should prove to be my most active year in the hobby. I have 2 gaming weekends planned and a weekend trip to Warhammer World planned. I should end up playing games of 40K, Age of Sigmar, Shadesspire, Shadow War: Armageddon, X-Wing and Blood Bowl. With this in mind, I need to paint a lot of stuff and will set some goals accordingly.

My first goal is to play the following:

  • 8 Warhammer 40k battles,
  • 8 Age of Sigmar battles,
  • 10 Warhammer Underworld: Shadespire battles.
To ensure I have enough painted models to match the above goals, I will aim to paint the following models:

Age of Sigmar
  • 5 Sylvaneth Tree Revenants,
  • 16 Sylvaneth Dryads,
  • 1 Treelord,
  • 3 Sylvaneth Wyldwoods,
  • Steelheart Champions Shadespire Warband,
  • Sepulchral Guard Shadespire Warband
  • 5 Stormcast Eternal Liberators
  • 10 Blood Angels Tactical Marines
  • 5 Hellblasters
  • 10 Intercessors
  • 3 Inceptors
  • Build and paint a Realm of Life board
So its a fairly ambitious list! I will be spending a lot more time at home in 2018 so I feel the goals are achievable. I would like to paint more Blood Angels but those listed above will be the minimum... if I have time, I'll do Sons of Sanguinius.

Right... time to crack on! where my paint brush!!

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