15 January 2018

Sylvaneth Branchwraiths

This week I'm posting about a couple of Branchwraiths I painted just before Christmas.

The list I will be playing uses the 'Forest Folk' battalion so I needed 2 of these Finecast monsters. I made a mistake painting these models up; I chose to skip a couple of the darker shades I use when painting Sylvaneth bark. I figured that the darker shades didn't add value to the final colour. How wrong was I!!

In terms of the other colours used. I followed (aside what the aforementioned deviation) the scheme described here.

The models look ok in isolation however in terms of the light brown bark and green areas, the colours don't match the rest of my Sylvaneth units.

I'm aiming to complete my Sylvaneth list for the end of April. If I have the time I will either repaint these models or sell them on eBay and paint up a couple from fresh.

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