16 April 2018

Sylvaneth List for Warhammer World Gaming Weekend

During the last weekend of April, I will be spending 3 days battling it out at Warhammer World. I'll be playing some 40k, AoS and some Shadespire.

This trip has been on the cards since last year and has provided the motivation and focus for my work on the Sylvaneth wardrobe I've been building. Aside from a quick demo game at Warhammer Edinburgh, I've never played AoS... and can't wait to get my army on the board.

The formation of the list I've settled on has been led by the models I already collected rather than collecting models to match a list... so it remains to be seen whether it will be competitive or not!

Anyway, here the list... let's hope it does the trick!

Allegiance: Sylvaneth

Alarielle the Everqueen (600)
- General
- Deepwood Spell: The Reaping
Branchwraith (80)
- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages
- Deepwood Spell: The Dwellers Below
Branchwraith (80)
- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages
- Deepwood Spell: The Dwellers Below
Branchwych (80)
- Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
Treelord Ancient (300)
- Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri
- Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing

10 x Dryads (100)
10 x Dryads (100)
10 x Dryads (100)
5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
- Sylvaneth Battleline

3 x Kurnoth Hunters (220)
- Greatbows
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (220)
- Greatbows

Treelord (240)

Forest Folk (110)
Harvestboon Wargrove (200)

Sylvaneth Wyldwood - Sylvaneth Allegiance (0)

Total: 2510 / 2500
Allies: 0 / 500
Wounds: 120

9 April 2018

Sylvaneth Kurnoth Hunters (2nd unit)

Being a very lucky chap whose wife is very supportive of my hobby activities, part of my birthday present this year was this unit of Kurnoth Hunters. This was the second unit of Hunters I've painted...  I posted the first set of models here.

Generally, I followed the same steps covered by the post linked above. However, I wanted to learn from the experience of building and painting the first unit so I did a few things differently!

The main difference centred around the use of subassemblies. This time around, I didn't glue the arms, head or shoulder pads together. This allowed much easier access to the dark green 'flesh' areas of the models.

The second change relates to the arrows. This was quite minor but I chose to apply an edge highlight to the yellow 'feather' areas of the arrows. I felt that on the first set of models, the yellow looked a bit flat and this change helped them start out a lot better!

Thirdly, I wanted to prevent the wash from neutralising the blue used for the runes and facial details. I first tried this on the unit of Dryads I recently completed. It worked a treat!

I really like how this unit turned out. I feel as if the small changes I'm making to my process - removing the wash from the blue areas, spot highlighting certain details - will really help address the concern I have around the models looking too dull/flat.

2 April 2018

White Dwarf Readers' Model of the Week!!

After recently completing a Lord-Ordinator model, and being rather happy with how he turned out, I figured I'd submit a photo to the White Dwarf FB page to see if they would feature it. I didn't really hold out much hope but getting a model featured, in any fashion, by GW is a hobby goal so I thought this model would be my best chance.

A few days later I noticed this article (link here)!!

Well chuffed 👍😀