23 July 2018

Azyrite Ruins

This week its back to scenery for my AoS woodland board in the form of some Azyrite Ruins.

I wanted to experiment with mounting the Ruins pieces into a base so I could add details such as a textured floor. So, to begin with, I arranged the ruins into 2 sets and glued them to some MDF.

Next, I rolled patches of DAS air-drying modelling clay onto the MDF and used the Temple texture roller from Greenstuff World. The DAS adhered to the MDF with PVA - which turned out to be a mistake as it contributed to the MDF warping.

Once the DAS clay had dried, I mixed up some texture paint from sand, PVA and polyfiller. This was then applied to the bases, taking care not to cover the template floor areas. I then primed the plastic ruins and the temple floor.

To paint the ruins I used the colour scheme detailed in the below WHTV video. The template floor sections were painted Rakarth Flesh > Pallid Wych Flesh > White Scar. In preparation for flocking, the earth parts of the base were painted with Hobbycraft dark brown paint.

And for the flocking, I essentially followed the below video from Lukes APS.

And this is how they turned out! To finish off the pieces I added some aquatic foliage with a hot glue gun and a couple of pieces of twig, glued down with PVA.

And these are the pieces on the board. I'm reasonably happy with how they turned out. I'm a bit annoyed with how much the MDF warped as a result of the PVA glue contracting. Since making these pieces I have switched over to using Extruded Polystyrene as this doesn't warp. It's much more expensive but, in my opinion, that's a worthy trade-off.

Next up I'll be working on Sprinewrack Talons!

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