6 January 2023

Armoured Moria Goblins

GW had metal, armoured Moria goblins up as a made-to-order in 2022 so I picked up a box and got them, alongside some Moria commanders and a Cave Troll in September 2022. Heres the Goblins and the colours used:


Usual goblin skin technique I used for my Gloomspite Gitz - given wash of Mortarian Grime alongside the armour.


vallejo black, stippled steel, washed Mortarian Grime then Agrax in spots. Matte varnish. stipple rust effects then stipple silver


AK warm great. Heavy wash Mortarian Grime. Drybrush Administratum Grey. Citadel tufts. Vallejo black rim


AK Warm Grey, glaze Yellow Ink. Blank ink for pupil

Wooden bits 

Gobi Brown highlighted gobi brown/AW Warm grey mix.

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