26 February 2023

Galadhrim Banner Bearer, Haldir & Angry Galadriel

 Today's update covers some more Galadhrim. A Galadhrim banner lad, Haldir with armour and sword and spirit/angry Galadriel. The only new scheme used for any of these models was for Galadriel. I prayed her Grey Seerer, and covered the whole model with Briar Queen Chill (GW Contrast), I then shaded the entire model with Coelia Greenshade. I then dry brushed the model with Grey Seer and did various glazes with Coelia Greenshade/Grey Seer.

23 February 2023

Guards of the Court, Rumil, Orophin and Haldir

 Next up is a batch of Galadhrim lads. 3 Guards of the Court and the 3 brothers - Haldir, Orophin and Rumil. These all followed exactly the same colour scheme already covered here.

19 February 2023

Warcry Heart of Ghur Terrain

Quite a big project from last year... the Heart of Ghur terrain set. Incredible scenery, pain in the arse to build and paint but totally worth it.

Having said that, I'd quite like those 8 hours I spent painting all the ropes on the Bamboo bridges and walkways!

Here the process/techniques.


Sprayed Colour Forge Hyrax Brown.

Skeletons - airbrushed Gobi Brown, then up to AK Warm Grey

Bamboo - Morghast Bone, airbrush highlighted Warm Grey

Rope - Vallejo Dark Grey

Tree teeth and other bone features - base-coated AK Warm Grey

Seraphon Ruins - Zenithal Death World Forest then Nugling Green over the brown basecoat

Trees - Rhinox Hide, highlighted Mournfang Brown. Bugmans Glow then Cadian Fleshtone on the upper bit where the teeth are.

Ground bits - Cygor Brown

Rocks - Stormvermin Fur then highlighted with Aminitratum Grey

Wash - dark brown oil wash then matte varnish over everything.

Next up, I highlighted the trees with a dry brush of Gorthor Brown then Baneblade Borwn. I also drybrushed Cadian Fleshtone on the tips. Finally, paint over tree teeth with warm grey and apply a wash of Red Tone to the teeth/tips of the branches

I then highlighted the rest of the bone, bamboo with a dry brush of warm grey.

Apply Athonian Camoshade to the base/lower parts of each piece.

red/brown pigments then gamers grass paper flowers!

8 February 2023


Next up are a couple of Celeborns! One with armour, sword and shield and the other in his nightwear!

Both were very enjoyable to paint, probably the most fun I've had painting in a while. Anyway, on with the scheme info: 


This followed my standard Galadrhim shame of Retirbutor Armour spray, washed with Reikland Fleshade and then highlighted with Glistening Gold (Two Thin Coats) and Mythril Blade (TTC).

Royal Blue robes

Base-coated Kantor Blue shaded Nuln Oil and highlighted Alaitoc Blue.

Light Blue/Grey Robes

Basecoated Russ Greyn shaded Black Legion/Contract Medium mix and the highlighted Fenrisian Grey and Administratum Grey.

Grey Robes

Basecoated Mechanicus Standard Grey, shaded Black Legion/Contract Medium mix and the highlighted Dawnstone and Administratum Grey.


Basecoated Wraithbone, shaded Guilliman Flesh, highlighted Flayed One Flesh and Palid Wych Flesh.

Wooden bits

Basecoated Dryad Bark, shaded Nuln Oil, highlighted Gorthor Brown and Baneblad Brown.


Painted Thondia Earth, shaded Agrax and dry brushed Nurgling Green with Gamers Grass tufts/flowes then added

4 February 2023

Lady Galadriel and Mirror

 The first 2 models of my Feb hobby goal are Galadriel and her Mirror thingy.

Quick models to paint so let's go through the schemes...


Basecoated Ulthuan Grey, shaded Apothecary White Contract/Medium mix. Highlighted Ulthuan Grey and AK Intense White.


Basecoated Wraithbone, shaded Guilliman Flesh and highlighted Flayed One flesh and Ivory Tusk (TTC).


Basecoated Tallarn Sand, shaded Mournfang Brown/Medium mix, highlighted Tau Light Ocre and Nexos Palesun.

This model was sprayed Steelforge Silver (Colour Forge spray can), washed Strong Tone (Army Painted), highlighted Plate Armour (TTC) and Mythril Blade (TTC). The leaves were painted Waagh Flesh, shaded Beil-Tan Green and highlighted Warboss Green and Skarsnik Green.

2 February 2023

Galadhrim Warriors

My January hobby goal for 2023 was to complete this unit of 24 Galadhrim Warriors... and I managed to get them over the line on the 31st of January! Batch painting 24 models was a slog, but I'm thrilled to get the first unit of my Lothlorien army done!


The armour was sprayed Retributor Armour, shaded Reikland Fleshshade and then drybrush highlighted with Glistening Gold (Two Thin Coats) and Mythril Blade (TTC).

Blue robes

Base-coated Kantor Blue shaded Nuln Oil and highlighted Alaitoc Blue and Teclis Blue

Brown robes

Base-coated Doombull Brown shaded Nuln Oil and highlighted Doombull Brown/Wazdakka Red mix and then I added Squig Orange to that mix.


Basecoated Wraithbone, shaded Guilliman Flesh, highlighted Flayed One Flesh and Palid Wych Flesh.


Basecoated XV-88 shaded Agrax Earthshade and highlighted Tau Light Ocre and Ungor Flesh.

Wooden bits

Basecoated Dryad Bark, shaded Nuln Oil, highlighted Gorthor Brown and Baneblad Brown.


Painted Thondia Earth, shaded Agrax and dry brushed Nurgling Green. These Gamers Grass tufts/flowers were then added:

6 January 2023

Abaddon and Loken

My first model(s) complete in 2023 is this Abaddon and Loken Character Series diorama from ForgeWorld. I think its a 2013 kit so the resin cast is a bit rough around the edges and miles away from the super crisp resin they now produce! I purchased this set during my first birthday visit to WW detailed here - Banjo Unchained: Warhammer World 2017 - Part 1: Visit & Swag!

Fun kit to work on. I first did the base, then Loken and Abaddon last. I used the follow reference guides =:

Base - Hobby Cheating 95 - Urban Ruin Bases - Part 2:Painting - YouTube

Loken - (2949) How to Paint SONS OF HORUS | WARHAMMER: THE HORUS HERESY | Space Marines | - YouTube

Abaddon - (2949) How to Paint SONS OF HORUS JUSTAERIN | WARHAMMER: THE HORUS HERESY | Space Marines | - YouTube

2023 Plans

This year's hobby goals are as follows:

First up is to focus on painting 600 points of Lothlorien elves. I've a game in the first weekend on March so time to get some pointed eared lads painted for that!

After that I'll be focusing on Nurgle. Iv'e already about 1k painted from 5 years ago and have all the models purchased (which is why I'm aiming for 5k- that's now much I've got in boxes!).

The rest will come later in the year. Time to crack on!

2022 Retrospective

 I've been spamming some posts on here the last few days as I wanted posts to cover my highlights from 2022 before being more regular with my 2023 hobby progress.

Looking back at 2022 these are the models I painted:

I also managed to play a lot of games!

Overall I'm super happy with everything I managed to achieve in the hobby last year. Loads painted, loads of games played and tonnes of fab memories!



The final model I worked on in 2022 was the mighty Smaug! I got this fella for my 40th, nearly 3 years ago so it was time he got some love. 

He was a pain in the arse to build but painting him didn't turn out to be as challenging as I expected. I think, because he is just soo big, I painted him like a piece of scenery - something I did a lot in 2022!

I'm super pleased with the end result. I may go back and fiddle with some minor details further down the line but for now, he's done!

Gotrek Gurnison


In October 2022 I also worked on this little lad! 

I had a couple of AoS games planned for early November and wanted to run a rather silly list... including Gotrek.

Fun little model to paint.

Rotmire Creed Warcry Warband

 In October 2022 I finished off painting up the Rotmire Creed warband. Having gotten into Warcry with the 'Heart of ghur' box this was the obvious Warband I'd paint up and play.

I wanted to try out some a bit different on these guys, my process involves Slapchopping the base colours, then an all-over coating of Streaking Grime (which is then removed with make up sponges and then pastel highlights. I think they came out well and very 'nurgley' 

Plague Troll


In October 20022 I picked up a 3d printed Plague Troll from Etsy. This model will proxy for a monster in Warcry to accompany my Rotmire Creed warband.

I painted him up using my Nurgle scheme described here - Banjo Unchained: Nurgle Daemons Colour Scheme

Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack


Bit of a blast from the past here! I wanted a Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack so picked up one of the metal old hammer lads and painted him up! His face is a bit 'bottox' but a quality model to work on.

Blood Angels Captain in Terminator Armour


I'd had Captain Karlean in my collection for ages so it was good to finally get him painted up. Great model and came out rather nice I think!.

The Angel's Tears with Grenade Launchers


Chunky Blood Angel Grenade Launcher lads next up! 

Blood Angels Praetor

Next up was a Blood Angels Forgeworld Praetor. Great model, fun to work on if a little fiddly!


Blood Angels Dawnbreaker Cohort

Following Raldoron I worked on this unit of Blood Angels. They're a Forgeworld HH unit so a little bit special! Quite fun to work on- although flying bases are a PITA!

Chapter Master Raldoron, First Captain of the Blood Angels


2nd model/unit I finished in Jan 20022 was Raldoron. I followed the scheme described here - Banjo Unchained: Blood Angels Mark 4 Tactical Squad

He was a cool model to work on and came out quite well!

Armoured Moria Goblins

GW had metal, armoured Moria goblins up as a made-to-order in 2022 so I picked up a box and got them, alongside some Moria commanders and a Cave Troll in September 2022. Heres the Goblins and the colours used:


Usual goblin skin technique I used for my Gloomspite Gitz - given wash of Mortarian Grime alongside the armour.


vallejo black, stippled steel, washed Mortarian Grime then Agrax in spots. Matte varnish. stipple rust effects then stipple silver


AK warm great. Heavy wash Mortarian Grime. Drybrush Administratum Grey. Citadel tufts. Vallejo black rim


AK Warm Grey, glaze Yellow Ink. Blank ink for pupil

Wooden bits 

Gobi Brown highlighted gobi brown/AW Warm grey mix.

5 January 2023

Blood Angels Mark 4 Tactical Squad

The first unit I finished in 2022 was the Mk.4 Blood Angels Tactical Squad. This was the 2nd squad finished in my 'new' Blood Angels army following the Primaris Assault Squad.

I think they came out great! 

My BA infantry scheme is as follows:


Stage 1 - Prime

Prime black and heavy zenithal highlight with Grey Seer. 


• Apply Mephiston Red thinned with Flow Improver and Thinner. Apply all over in thin 2/3 coats.

• Midtone - Wild Rider Red.

• Upper Midtone- Fire Dragon Bright.

• Highlight 1 -  Ungor Flesh.

• Highlight 2 - Flayed One Flesh.

• Highlight 3 - Wraithbone.

• Shadow - Violet Ink thinly applied to shadows.

• Blood Angels Red contract thinned with water/flow improver/thinner - applied all over.

• Paint in all metallic with 1 flat colour. Gold - Dwarven Gold. Silver - Steel.

• Paint in any other details - Purity Seals/Pouches etc.

○ Pouches - Thondia Brown

• Gloss Varnish.


• Decals with Micro Sol and Micro Set.

• Gloss Varnish

• Oil washes

○ Pin wash - black. Pin wash is thinner than below. Apply to armour panels.

○ Stain wash of Umber. Apply to gold areas.

○ Stain wash of black. Apply to silver areas.

○ Let dry for x hours. Then use a clean cotton bud to remove excess.

• Gloss then Matte Varnish.


• Armour - edge highlight with Fire Dragon Bright then Ungor Flesh. Tidy up mistakes /refine shading with other base colours.

• Highlight black with an edge highlight of Dawnstone/Administratum Grey.

• Gold - reapply gold- leaving shadow areas alone! Add silver to the gold to highlight

• Steel - reapply Steel and highlight with Silver.

• Dab silver across weapons and very lightly on armour areas which would scuff easily

• Eyes. Basecoat the lens White then paint it green.

• Do all other details.

○ Pouches - highlight with Doombull Brown > Tuskgor Fur

○ Black - Eshin Grey

40K Terrain and Scenery

During Spring and Summer 2022, I dedicated about 4 months to working on 40k terrain in preparation for 2022 Nerd Day. This post summarises this effort with photos of each piece I worked on.

Sylvaneth Revenant Seekers


Another new Sylvaneth unit next, a unit of Revenant Seekers. The Revenants themselves were painted using my standard Revenant colour scheme. the other bits were painted as follows:

Red Chitin

Khorne Red >Wazdakka Red >Squig Orange > Bestigor Flesh. Glaze shade Gal Vorbak Red underneath and on bits of wings close to bug body.

Brown Chitin

Rhinox Hide > Doombul Brown >Tuskgor Fur


Morghast Bone > Screaming Skull towards edges.


Fulrite Copper


Once the base colours had been applied, the whole model received a coat of gloss varnish followed by a coat of 50/50 mix of Soft tone and quick shade mixing medium.

Sylvaneth Gossamid Archers


Following the Lady of Vines I worked on the new unit of Gossamid Archers. I painted this as per my usual Tree Revenants - but the skin was just heavy-thinned plague bearer flesh over Wraithbone

The chitin of the Bug was painted as per Arch Revenant and the wings were airbrushed Plaguebearer flesh. then plague bearer flesh mixed with Militarum Green for the darker areas. This mix was then used to shade along each wing vein.

Sylvaneth Lady of Vines


In June 2022 I picked up the Sylvaneth v Skaven battle box and got to work on the Lady of Vines. Fab model! here's the scheme:


Base-coated Dryad Bark then highlighted Gorthor Brown & Baneblade Brown. This was then shaded with Wyldwood/Contrast Medium 1:4 ratio.

Ethereal Blue

These were pained Grey Seer and then contract Aerthermatic Blue was applied on top.


The spear and blade followed my standard Sylvaneth colour scheme covered elsewhere in this blog.

Gold Armour

The gold was painted Fulgite Copper, shaded with diluted Wyldwood and highlighted back up with Fulgrite Copper and Vallejo Steel & Silver.


The leaves were painted Straken Green and highlighted Loren Forest and Orgyn Camo


Plaguebearer was painted using my Nurgle scheme covered here - Banjo Unchained: Nurgle Daemons Colour Scheme